Godly Posture By: Pastor Beau

BeauGreetings Beloved,

It is crunch time and you find yourself torn in two because you do not know what to do.
A quick review of your life and you see a well entrenched pattern of bad decisions and missteps and you ask yourself “why”.
In sports, we often compliment good coaches by saying they place their athletes and teams in a good position to win. What is this good position? Physical fitness; proper skills; proper attitudes/thinking; and team culture. Successful athletes and teams are, almost always, are fundamentally sound. These fundamentals can be readily seen in their physical and mental posture and composure. Championship teams have prepared for success through developing and maintaining the proper mental and physical posture. What is true in the physical has even greater ramifications in the Spiritual and decision making realm. In other words, to ensure a greater likelihood of making the Godly decision or breaking the cycle of Worldly (read bad) decisions, we must examine our spiritual and mental posture.

What are the hallmarks of a mature Christian’s spiritual posture – intimacy, repentance, and obedience. Intimacy – getting uncomfortably close to God and embracing the Holy Spirit’s examination. A repentant heart is required to allow for God’s and self examination. Repentance is a key ingredient in being humble. The ability to say “I am wrong” or “I need help” and to accept correction and to follow that correction is critical to become a mature believer. Obedience, if you do not have the discipline to do things the right way then you will never enjoy the benefits of success. In the spiritual realm we know that our obedience is a reflection of our love towards the Lord.
“Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” (John 14: 21)
Jesus’ revelation to us and guidance to us can not be fully seen and realized unless we are obedient. This is why so many believers walk in the shadows; because their disobedience clouds their ability to hear the Lord’s voice. Finally, intimacy. Without intimacy with God we do not avail ourselves to even hear from Him.
Some critical disciplines and decisions one must make to be a person of repentance, obedience and intimacy are being a person of the word (2 Tim 3:15-16), living by faith not fear – for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Tim 1:7, ESV) – and a willingness to take the hard path if this is required by our Lord. Do we have a passion to Obey God (John 14:15, 21)?
It is my contention that unless we properly posture ourselves the likelihood of accurately hearing from God and moving forward in faith. Even wise actions like prayer and obtaining counsel will be perverted by a undisciplined and disobedient spirit and mind. However, when we have gone through the process of properly posturing ourselves before God things like hearing the Lord in prayer (Phillipians 4:6), obtaining Godly Counsel (Proverbs 12:15, 15:22, and 19:20), and having peace(Phil 4:7) will truly illuminate God’s will for our life.
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:7, ESV)

Igor “Beau” Beaufils
Senior Pastor
Family Christian Center
2728 North King Road
Toledo, OH 43617
(419) 885-HOPE, Fax (419) 380-9425
A Foursquare Church

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