2020 Focus on Jesus

Hello All!
At the beginning of this year, the Lord directed my attention to John 20:20.
It became the theme verse for “2020 Focus on Jesus “ my blog http://lizrdld.blogspot.com/
“After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.”‭‭John‬ ‭20:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 
I find it fascinating that the situation faced by the disciples, mirrors ours today, and the Lord, knowing what was going to happen directed my attention to this passage of Scripture for the year.  This video popped up in memories today.  I believe it is for our encouragement and instruction!
Be in Jesus “sheltering in place mode”.  Pray and plan and be ready for your “Day of Pentecost.”_______________________________________
2 years ago I shared this message on Easter Sunday.  The disciples were in “lock down”.  They were “sheltering in place” frightened and confused.  Their lives had been tragically interrupted by the death of Christ, the future was uncertain and their lives were in jeopardy. 
Then Jesus came into their room and breathed on them, filling them with the Holy Spirit! 
It was a time of refreshing and recalibration – renewing their zeal and reminding them of their mission!
They stayed in place until Jesus released them on the day of Pentecost to preach the Gospel in power and authority turning the world upside down! Acts 17:6.
Let that be our story!

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