Thought for the Week

Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to another beautiful day in the neighborhood. It’s beautiful because you’re my neighbor and you’re part of it.

It’s a new day, a new week. Tomorrow starts a new month. We are entering a season of change. All of nature will be changing. Animal’s coats and furs will be thickening so they can be warm; trees will begin to drop their leaves leading to their dormant stage, etc. These changes come about smoothly. This is life, ever evolving, ever moving forward. It’s a never ending process and it is beautiful. We love the changing colors, the cooler temperatures, the wonderful sights, smells and tastes of autumn.

It’s a new day, a new week. Tomorrow starts a new month. We are entering a season of change. All of nature will be changing. Animal’s coats and furs will be thickening so they can be warm; trees will begin to drop their leaves leading to their dormant stage, etc. These changes come about smoothly. This is life, ever evolving, ever moving forward. It’s a never ending process and it is beautiful. We love the changing colors, the cooler temperatures, the wonderful sights, smells and tastes of autumn.

But what about you? How do you deal with the changes, not only in nature and the season, but the changes in your life? Do you see and understand that all change is for the better? I know this is can be a hard concept to accept, but I assure you it is true. It all comes down to attitude.

Attitude is everything.

What is needed is an attitude of optimism, positiveness and gratitude. And attitude is always a choice we have. We need to look for and expect to see the good that will come from every situation and circumstance. We need to know that everything will work out for the best.

Most important we need to be grateful. We need to be grateful for all our blessings and they are many. Every day call to mind several blessings and say Thank You. Be grateful for all the people in your life who have touched you and blessed you. Be grateful for family, friends, neighbors, your home, your church, the people you work with, the people who take care of you, all the good things in your life.

Say thank you everyday to anyone and everyone who does anything for you. A long time ago Meister Eckhart said “If the only prayer you ever said was ‘Thank You’ that would suffice.”Have a wonder filled week (and month) enjoying the beauty of the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of this awesome season of change. And be grateful.
Peace, Terry

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