Thought for the week

Welcome to another beautiful day in paradise. Look with the eyes of your soul and see the beauty in others and you will see you are in paradise. “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein. When we can live our lives as if it is always the first time—The first time we made love, the first we gazed upon the face of our beloved, the first time we tasted ice cream, the first time we saw a bird—we won’t have to try to experience a sense of gratitude. It will be there, automatically, as a natural response to the beauty and the bounty. And if you want this sense of gratitude to develop into a habit of gratitude to grace your life, it is essential that you develop the belief that you are here on Earth to fulfill some purpose that only you can offer to the world. You are an amazingly rare, totally non-replicable individual with talents and gifts that the world anxiously needs. The more that you experience the truth of your uniqueness and beauty,the more you will feel gratitude for your particular gifts and the more you will be able to deliver those gifts. Have a great week filled with gratitude.

This was taken from “Attitudes of Gratitude, How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life” by M. J. Ryan.


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