Thought for the week

SONY DSCWelcome to another beautiful day in paradise. Look with the eyes of your soul and see the beauty in others and you will see you are in paradise.
“We all come here from the same root, but the leaves are all different.”

–John Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA

We all come from one Great Spirit but we are all different and unique. Nothing in the Great Creation has a twin that is identical. Even children that are twins are different. Every single person is extremely special and unique. Each person has a purpose and reason why they are on the Earth. Just like every leaf on a tree is different, each one is needed to make the tree look like it does. No leaf is better or worse than the other—all leaves are of equal worth and belong on the tree. It is the same with human beings. We each belong here and do things that will affect the great whole.

As the Lakota teaching above says there is great diversity in all of creation. That diversity is what gives all of the creation its beauty. This is nature: life in the form of trees and vegetation and it is beautiful in its diversity. This too is nature: life in the form of animal that are beautiful in their differences. The different sizes, shapes, and colors are what give animals their beauty. And human beings, people, come in different sizes and colors and from different cultures and with different abilities, but they are all people. And all these colors and differences paint such a beautiful mosaic of people.

If we truly want to live in peace and harmony in a beautiful world we need to accept people for who they are as they are. As we have learned to love ourselves now we need to love and accept our fellow human beings and all of creation. We need to look with the eyes of our soul and see the beauty in others, to see that we are all leaves of equal worth and belong on the tree.

So let us love and accept one another, let us Honor Similarities, – Respect Differences, – and Celebrate Diversity. Yes, celebrate, really celebrate diversity; for diversity is life and life is beautiful.

Have a beautiful week.
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Honor Similarities * Respect Differences * Celebrate Diversity

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