St. Joseph Parish, Sylvania, Ohio

ChurchClipartInterested in becoming a Catholic? The Catholic Church warmly welcomes new members and offers a process of formation called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA.) It is open to those who are: not baptized, baptized Catholics who have not received all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation), or baptized in other Christian communities. The RCIA offers a time to: – learn about Catholic theology and practices – meet other people who are on a similar spiritual journey – reflect and pray – grow spiritually and deepen your relationship with God. If you, or someone you know, may be interested in learning more about the RCIA, contact Joanne Denyer/Pastoral Associate at (419) 885-5791 or

P A R I S H  L I B R A R Y Our Parish Library (located in the Church Narthex) has many new books, thanks to donations by a number of parishioners, and organized in a way that makes it easier to locate books. Thanks to the efforts of our parishioner, Peggy Rabideau, who is a retired librarian, our library is labeled and sectioned by the following categories: Cancer, Catholicism, Family Health/Illness, Inspirational, Saints, Prayer, Bible. Also, each category has a listing of the available books by author and title, which is noted in the loose-leaf file located on the bottom shelf, left cabinet. We have one request. We only have a few Catholic books suitable for children. If your children have grown and no longer need their religious books, would you please consider sharing them with us? You may take your children’s Catholic books on Saints, Sacraments, Bible Stories, etc., to the Parish Office and Joanne Denyer will accept them. Thank you so much for adding to our Library.

Volleyball Open Gym for girls in grades 3-8. Open gym for the upcoming volleyball season will begin the 2nd week in July. Tuesdays beginning July 10th: 5:00-6:00 p.m. – 3rd Grade 6:00-7:00 p.m. – 5th Grade 7:00-8:00 p.m. – 7th Grade Thursdays beginning July 12th: 5:00-6:00 p.m. – 4th Grade 6:00-7:00 p.m. – 6th Grade 7:00-8:00 p.m. – 8th Grade Location: East Campus Gym Prerequisites: Students must complete an online registration, including an Emergency Medical Authorization, and a CYO Athletic Contract signed by their physician before they may participate. Team evaluations and player placements and uniform fittings will take place the last week in July/first week in August. Please email Karen Martin if your daughter is interested in further instructions at

The Homemakers (A group founded by St. Joseph Parishioners) We are now in our 22nd year of sewing sundresses/ winter jumpers for the school girls in the downtown Toledo area. A school is contacted and then we let the girls choose an outfit, a pretty dress complete with shirt and hairpiece. Please let us know if you have any fabric (suitable for young girls) so that we can continue this very worthwhile project. Thank you. Pat Sager (419-841-3430).

Family Camp Weekend Retreat, August 3-5, is looking for volunteers over age 16 to assist children and adults with developmental disabilities. The weekend is filled with summer camp activities for children and their parents in a supportive and faith-filled environment. YOUR participation will make Family Camp a meaningful experience for a family and for you! If you would like more information about volunteering or wish to register for Family Camp, please contact Marsha Rivas, Office for Persons with Disabilities, at 419-214-4938, or mrivas@

From the Office of Youth Catechesis and Formation… Religious Education registration for the 2018-2019 year has begun! Please go to the St. Joseph website and it can all be done online… This is for children in 1st thru 8th grade, and if you are registering for Religious Education, it is in anticipation of the school year they are going into for fall 2018. If they are currently a Kindergartner, they will be registered for a 1st-grade program. Please remember that if your children would like to play CYO sports, they must either attend a Catholic school or attend a Religious Education program. Let’s give our kids the foundation of our faith that they deserve! Register today! For questions, please contact Mrs. Rachael Hunyor at or, Mrs. Debbie Lisk at dlisk@, or call 419-885-2181.

Students Recycle for the Ronald McDonald House Summer is still time to save those pop tabs! Students and parishioners are encouraged to turn in all donations of pop tabs to the main office on either school campus throughout the school year. Every year, hundreds of pounds of pop tabs are collected by students which helps keep the pantry stocked at the Ronald McDonald House for families who travel to Toledo for their children’s medical care. Thank you for your support of the schoolwide service project! HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER VACATION.

2018 Jaguar Running Club! WHAT: St. Joe Parish Summer Running Club WHEN: Started week of June 4, 2018 Tuesdays, 6:00 P.M. Secor Metropark (meet at National Center for Nature Photography building) Saturdays, 9:00 A.M. Olander Park (meet at shelter on west side of park) WHO: All parishioners K-8th Grade COST: None CONTACT: Questions? Call Bryan Riley at 330-703-9761

Retrouvaille A lifeline for marriages: This is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. Date: July 13-15th – Call 419-481-1116 or email (above) or visit our website at www.

Body Better Exercise Class For Seniors, meets each Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday in the East Campus Meeting Rooms. You can call Laurie Neary, Parish Nurse with questions: (T, W, TH) at 419-885-5791 or email




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