The Power of Gratitude to Make a Difference in the World 

SONY DSCHappiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.  Norman MacEwan
We are inspired by people who use their bounty and their spirit of thankfulness to reach out and help others. It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are, there is no better way to rise above our circumstances than to volunteer to help in our church, a charitable organization, mentor someone, or give counsel and support to someone who needs us. Our thankfulness can manifest itself in our actions and in our deeds, in the choice to share our gifts and abundance with those who need it most. And evidence suggests that helping others may be as important to our physical well-being as regular exercise and proper nutrition.

People who live this way inspire us to embrace giving and to understand that our highest purpose is to give to others. When we do, gratitude becomes contagious — the act of giving thanks and giving back changes the world.
Have a wonderful week changing the world.
This was taken from “Living Life as a Thank You” by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons
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