DoveCross Welcome to another beautiful day in paradise. Look with the eyes of your soul and see the beauty in others and you will see you are in paradise.
“Today, let’s bless everyone especially those who live on the margins. Let’s bless our homes, families, neighbors, workmates, and friends. But, let’s also bless the homeless, those who struggle and strive, low-income service workers, the incarcerated and animal and plant life. When we bless, we bestow healing and favor from on high”.

–Steve Farrell, Humanity’s Team

Yes, let’s also bless everyone we come in contact with today. If possible give them a smile, say hello and wish them well. Let’s be grateful for everyone we meet, for they each bless us in some way. By being the blessing in the lives of those we come in contact with today we will be doing the loving thing and we will have a good day filled with peace and happiness. So be positive, be happy and joyful, be grateful and helpful.

Then let’s not be this just for today, but let’s be this way every day this week. And then maybe continue it for another week . . . or so. Soon it will become a part of us. It will be natural. Won’t that be a wonderful way to be?

Have a blessed and blessing week.

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