Rx Memorial Film festival features lecture by Producer/Director

sosRx Memorial Film festival features lecture by Producer/Director

Sponsored by: Northwest Ohio Chiropractic Association (NOCA), Glass City Grind and Nuestra Gente Community Projects


  • WHO: Producer/Director of “An American Epidemic” Michael Deleon.
  • WHAT: Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation Film Festival, FREE TO THE PUBLIC, presentations of the documentaries “Doctored” and “An American Epidemic”
  • WHEN: Tuesday April 28th 2015, 6pm
  • WHERE: Maumee Indoor Theater, Maumee. Ohio
  • HOW: The Film festival is made possible by support from the North West Ohio Chiropractic Association (NOCA) and the Glass City Grind.
  • WHY: The festival hopes to encourage a public dialog about the tragic and avoidable prescription drug epidemic that is fueling the heroin epidemic.
  • CONTACT: Kyle Schalow, 419-206-4816 or kbs32@hotmail.com, Michael Deleon, Producer/Director, 609-579-2420, Dr. Tom Baur, President of NOCA, 419-973-3976, Lisa Dunn, Glass City Grind, 419-206-7268, President, Linda Parra, Executive Director, Nuestra Gente Community Projects 419-293-0581

    Please be sure to catch up with everything going on in 2015 at the following websites and social media pages 1. www.RxEpidemicMemorialFoundation.com

    1. Rx2DC.Blogspot.com
    2. on FaceBook community page, Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation
    3. on FaceBook event pages: Rx Epidemic Memorial Commemorative Calendar, Rx Epidemic Memorial Film Festival, Transformation 2015, STIGMA, STIGMA Artists Catalogue, 1st Annual Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness and Education Day, Opiate Help Line, Powerless Fest
    4. on Twitter: @Rx2DC, @1stFridayofMay, @stigmaartshow
    5. #Transformation2015 #NationalArchive #HB399 #1stFridayofMay #ThereIsHope #PeopleAndFamiliesDoRecover #ArtChangesTheWorld

    Kyle Schalow, CEO, Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation


    Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation



    1200 Michigan Ave Suite E

    Waterville, Ohio 43566


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