Matt MustericCategory Archives

How Many Minutes a Day Does it Take to Read the Bible in a Year?

PastorMattMustericDear Fellow Disciples,

Last year was a year of prayer. 2019 will be a year of Scripture. As part of this year of Scripture, there is one simple goal:

For 70 (or more) members and friends of Bethlehem to develop the habit of reading and reflecting on Scripture daily.

Habits are a challenge to develop. Those who study the science of habit formation used to say it that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. The truth is that it’s closer to 66 days. In 2019, let’s commit to a developing (or continuing) a habit of daily Bible reading. Continue reading »

Pray for the Nations

DoveCrossDear Fellow Disciples,

In Acts 1:8 we read: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Two things about this verse:

1. The commission given to the early church is only in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is not something we can accomplish on our own.

2. This commission is for each one of us and extends to the ends of the earth, to people of every tribe, nation and language. Continue reading »

My Prayer List

PastorMattMustericDear Fellow Disciples,

During this “Year of Prayer” I want to share with you three prayer lists I keep.

1. Every Day
On my daily prayer list are people closest to me: my family (including my extended family), our Godchildren (and my Godparents), the children we support in Haiti, and our Bishops: Elizabeth and Daniel (and their families). Continue reading »

Holy Week Worship

PastorMattMustericMaundy ThursdayMarch 297 pm
Service of Holy Communion, first Communion for our fifth graders, foot washing

Good FridayMarch 3011 am and 7 pm
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus in Scripture and Song

Easter Vigil: March 317 pm
The first Easter service: Hearing God’s salvation story, remembering our Baptism, celebrating the Resurrection, receiving Holy Communion

Easter SundayApril 19 am
Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
Memory Verses for 2018
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. +Philippians 4:6-7
Pastor Matt Musteric
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
220 Cedar St., P.O. Box 344
Pemberville, OH 43450
419-287-4182 or
Sunday Worship 9:00 am
Faith Formation: 10:20 am

A Rhythm of Prayer: Create a Plan

PastorMattMustericDear Fellow Disciples,

Do you have a set rhythm for daily prayer?

A process for developing a personal prayer rule.  We began with assessing where we currently are in terms of personal prayer practices and then we began to paint a compelling picture of where we would like to be. Then we created an initial plan. This week we will develop a personal prayer rule. Continue reading »

A Rhythm of Prayer: Assess Where You Are.


Dear Fellow Disciples,

Do you have a set rhythm for daily prayer?

Ancient Christians called this a “rule” of prayer. A prayer rule gets at the specifics of prayer: Where will I pray every day? When? For how long? What resources will I use? Continue reading »

Resolutions, Goals, Habits

Word Pastor
Dear Fellow Disciples,
In January, many of us are going to be thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Some of us will even have some written goals.
In January, the gyms are full (for a month), the diet books are purchased, and everyone seems to be excited about change for the new year.

But does it work?

I do believe that well-crafted goals can and do work, as long as there is a good plan in place for reaching those goals. But I know something that works better than goals: habits.

I know habits work. And this is because, in my own life, I know that lasting transformation looks more like little daily changes than monumental aspirations. In other words, true change for me means a change in my everyday habits. Continue reading »